
Beauty All Around Us

Yesterday I woke to the sun on my face. To see another day. What a good feeling to know you are Blessed. My Husband and I turned off the A/C and opened every window in our house. It felt so good to welcome the cool breeze. I realized how even more Blessed I am. I immediatly felt renewed. I love the way Fall and Spring air smells. Weird, I know.
I didnt leave home all day. I took time to slow down, relax, and catch up on some cartoons (and I am talking about the good cartoons..The Snorks, The Flinstones, lol) and a few movies, love stories. Documentaries are my favorite so I had to watch some of those too.
I work from home so my husband can not understand why in the world I would ever want to stay home on the weekend. Some days are just different. I need peace and solitude and sometimes leaving home just does not offer that. Sundays are for rest anyway. Right?

The little things are soo easily missed, but when you recognize them, what joy they bring.

Here is a reminder to take time to enjoy life. Focusing on what is always in front of you will cause you to miss what is going on around you and that is the best part.

I took some random pictures because it is always nice to have a reminder of what God has created.

Beauty outside our front door.

Beauty in our backyard.

Our lime tree.

The view from my home office. (literally..can you see the window screen...lol)

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