
The Other City

The above film premiered Dec 1st on Showtime.

Anyone who knows me knows that the majority of time spent watching tv is spent watching documentaries.
My Husband always tries to persuade me not to watch them so much because he fears that it will affect me too much.
He is right. I am affected. But I like being affected because being affected brings about awareness and awareness leads to change. Im human. And to me there is nothing wrong with being reminded of that. It promotes selflessness.

True, being aware and helping, being selfless, all of these can be achieved without looking at what most would consider "depressing".
But, I just cant help it. They help me to better undertsnad those who differ from me whether it be through race, living situation, culture, etc. By understanding others I feel like it helps me to better understand myself. My purpose even.

Below is a link to the movie. It will affect you more than you know. It tells the story of D.C. and the HIV/AIDS epidemic that is running ramped. It is the side of D.C. that you dont hear about first or often. It is almost as if, when talking about it being the city with the greatest number of cases, you are referring to another city.

Check your local listings.

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