
Where does your heart lie?

I called my Sister today and asked her if she wanted to particpate in the American Heart Association's Heart Walk. It is taking place in September and we will be walking in honour of our Dad who passed away 2 years ago due to congestive heart failure.

Less than 10 minutes later I turned on the tv to a chanel I had never watched before, channel 9412 (who cant find something to watch before you get to a channel as high as 9412..lol). On, was a special titled, Heart Failure: Causes, Treatment. 

Ironic. Right?

I watched it. I felt compelled to. I learned so much more about the disease that changed me personally. Forever.
I know now that we wont just be walking for our Dad, but for the millions of people who suffer from heart disease of any kind. For those who have also lost a loved one.

Where does your heart lie?

You dont have to be "personally" affected by something or have gone through something terrible to understand how it affects others. To empathize is to be human.
Make an effort to learn about the plight of others. To become aware of the pain and suffering in this world. It will not only humble you as a person, but  it will hopefully motivate you to act. To act on behalf of others.

We were saddened because you were no longer here, but we rejoiced in knowing that the vacant position in Heaven, that the Lord had waiting, is now occupied.

American Heart Association

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