
the SPIRIT of giving..

I saw a young lady walking with her newborn baby, who in my estimation looked no older than 2-3 months, strapped to her chest.
It was almost 100 degrees outside. My immediate thought was to offer her a ride.

Oh, but wait. What was I thinking? I must have forgotten I lived on planet Earth.
You cant just offer people assistance, like a ride, these days.
Sad, but true.
Not with the state of the world and the way things are. Even if you have the best of intentions, unfortunately those in this world who have the worse of intentions make it hard to help sometimes.
Its a shame.
But, we have to keep helping those we can, say a prayer for those we can not help, and know that the rest will be taken care of.

Because what I can not do, HE can and will.


  1. True very true. I find myself doing the same thing sometimes. The world can be a cold place. It's sad that it messes it up for the really good people out there but such is life.:) Great post.

  2. I see it all the time... However, the messed up state of the world we live in have left us hesitate to offer assistance to one another.
