
Waiting for "SUPERMAN"

I dont know about you all, but I have always liked going to school. It was more fun than work for me.
To this day I still love school and would go back tomorrow if I could.
We were all told about the importance of school and what it meant to get a "good" education.
But today, the definition on "good" is subjective.
It is defined by the most crucial component.
The Educators. The Supermen and Superwomen who make a difference. Who care. Who shape the futures of our children.

Waiting for "SUPERMAN" takes a look at the state of American education.
Go to the website to pledge to see the film and for each ticket purchased a $15 gift code will be given to donate to a classroom of your choice.



A Charitable Tale

Saw this story in the news and thought it was so touching.
It is so good to see people helping people in this world.

Police arrest man, then give him bike
From Journalist Andrew Lee
September 11, 2010 7:28 a.m. EDT

(CNN) -- Police officers in central Taiwan arrested a man for stealing a bicycle this week and originally planned to lock him up for theft charges.
However, the police later discovered that the man was so poor that they not only did not prosecute him but instead decided to donate a bike to him.
According to police officers in central Taiwan's Chiayi County, the man stole the bicycle from a high school near his home in order to help save his daughter time in walking from her vocational school to the hospital.
His daughter usually walked 10 kilometers (6 miles) to take care of him in the hospital. The man has often been ill and has had to be hospitalized, police said.
Police said that the man originally told his daughter that he had bought the bicycle second-hand.
However, later the former owner of the bike recognized it. Both father and daughter were taken in by the police.
Police officers learned that the man was living in desperate conditions, with no access to water or electricity and was living in an empty shipping container beside a graveyard.
Chiayi police officers not only did not press charges against the old man but jointly bought a new bike for the girl.



On this day in 2001, America was changed forever.
Lives were lost. Security and peace were questioned.
But, one thing remained and still remains constant and true: the Spirit of a people can not be taken away.

To those who lost their lives, God was ready to see you.
To those who survived, God had a different plan for you.
To those who lost someone they loved or knew, God will not place more on you than you can bear.
To those who participated in the saving of lives and relief efforts, you are Angels on the ground.
To those who lost their lives at war, thank you could never be enough, but I am at a lost for words.
To those who are currently risking their lives fighting a war for my freedom, thank you and may God watch over you.
To those who have loved ones at war, prayer changes things.

This post is in celebration of the Spirit of God that dwells in all of us.


the SPIRIT of giving..

I saw a young lady walking with her newborn baby, who in my estimation looked no older than 2-3 months, strapped to her chest.
It was almost 100 degrees outside. My immediate thought was to offer her a ride.

Oh, but wait. What was I thinking? I must have forgotten I lived on planet Earth.
You cant just offer people assistance, like a ride, these days.
Sad, but true.
Not with the state of the world and the way things are. Even if you have the best of intentions, unfortunately those in this world who have the worse of intentions make it hard to help sometimes.
Its a shame.
But, we have to keep helping those we can, say a prayer for those we can not help, and know that the rest will be taken care of.

Because what I can not do, HE can and will.


Opportunity Is Always Knocking

A member of my family inspired this post when they told me about a common practice at their place of employment. They work at an apartment community. When individuals get evicted or abandon the apartment they discard all of their belongings left in the apartment.
My concern lies with this. While I understand that the apartment has to be emptied, I dont understand why everything, and I mean everything, is discarded to the trash. Shoes, clothing, furniture, housewares...everything.

You know what I am getting at, right?

Why not call a local charity and have the items picked up?
I posed this question and my family member, I am happy to say, thought this was a great idea.
Hopefully they will begin doing this.

Noone has to go looking for an opportunity to help. Just walk outside your front door and there it is.
Pray. Volunteer. Help someone. Donate.
I know our lives are already busy with a million and one things to do, but with soo much that needs to be done and soo many people who need a helping hand, I am sure that there is something we all can do.
Helping comes in many forms.

Here are some suggestions:

Pray for someone
Pull up your favorite charity online and dontae or buy a t-shirt
Buy an extra school supply for your child's class
Put your change into the charity jar at the grocery store
Make cards with your kids for sick children at a local hospital
Participate in a local charity run or walk
Purchase products, that you were already going to buy, that make a contribution to a charitable cause
Volunteer at your child's school
Participate in a charity drive at work
Donate your child's old clothing and shoes to someone in need
Invite someone that may be going through a rough time to your next family get together
Lend a shoulder to cry on
Pack your lunch one day a week and donate that $5
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Do some shopping at a charitable thrift store

Enjoy time with your family and friends this Labor Day and remember not to take it for granted.
Remember that you are Blessed beyond measure.


Random Thoughts

New additions to Random Thoughts posted.
Thanks for your support and finding me slightly interesting :.)


September is....

September 10, 2010 - World Suicide Prevention Day

National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Month

National Sickle Cell Awareness Month

Prostate and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Im positive I have missed so many. Please let me/us know what else is going on this month and what you are feeling charitable about.